Robin Kang

Robin Kang is a Brooklyn-based artist, educator, and student of ancient mystical lineages. Her art reinterprets the tradition of weaving within a contemporary technological context. Utilizing a digitally operated Jacquard hand loom, the contemporary version of the first binary-operated machine and argued precursor to the invention of the computer, she hand weaves tapestries that combine mythic symbolism, computer-related imagery, and digital mark-making. The juxtaposition of textiles with electronics opens conversations about reconciling old traditions with new possibilities, as well as the relationship between textiles, symbols, language, memory, and spirituality.


Robin has practiced the art of weaving for over 10 years, teaching courses in fiber arts, fabric dyeing, and digital weaving. Kang holds an MFA from SAIC and is a recipient of the 2017 NYFA Fellowship in Craft/Sculpture. Robin has studied ancient textile techniques with Mayan, Quechua, and Scandinavian weavers and has been initiated into the Amazonian Shipibo tradition, to learn the mystical textile techniques of the lineage. Robin highly values the sacred histories of textile arts, seeking to align her creative and spiritual practices.